Thursday, June 8, 2023

Terms of Reference to enable a Consortium for Sustainable Livelihoods - MYANMAR

Country: Myanmar
Organization: MA-UK Myanmar
Closing date: 19 Jun 2023

Muslim Aid UK – Myanmar, also referred in this document as MA-UK MYANMAR and MA-UK MYANMAR COUNTRY PROGRAM has published this Terms of Reference to identify expert service providers to enable the legal registration and operation of a Consortium for Sustainable Livelihoods, under the relevant Law and regulations of Myanmar

The Terms of Reference contain the following Chapters:

1. Scope of the Terms of Reference

2. Terms of Reference – Deliverables

3. Terms of Reference - The Applicant(s)

4. Terms of Reference – The Application

5. Annex – Theatre of Operations for the Terms of Reference

The Terms of Reference are published and/or circulated on 09.06.2023 and submission of offers and documents, as per modalities defined in Chapter 4 – Terms of Reference – The Application, is due within 19.06.2023

Muslim Aid UK – Myanmar, also referred in this document as MA-UK MYANMAR and MA-UK MYANMAR COUNTRY PROGRAM has published this Terms of Reference to identify expert service providers to enable the legal registration and operation of a Consortium for Sustainable Livelihoods, under the relevant Law and regulations of Myanmar

The Terms of Reference contain the following Chapters:

1. Scope of the Terms of Reference

2. Terms of Reference – Deliverables

3. Terms of Reference - The Applicant(s)

4. Terms of Reference – The Application

5. Annex – Theatre of Operations for the Terms of Reference

The Terms of Reference are published and/or circulated on 09.06.2023 and submission of offers and documents, as per modalities defined in Chapter 4 – Terms of Reference – The Application, is due within 19.06.2023

1. Scope of the Terms of Reference

Support the establishment of a Consortium for Sustainable Livelihoods to deliver in a safely manner development aid and tackle the underlying inequalities affecting vulnerable groups in the designated Theatre of Operations

To support the establishment of the Consortium, the Terms of Reference require three Key Deliverables, further detailed in Chapter 3:

Ø Key Deliverable 1: Viability Study and Process to establish a Consortium on Sustainable Livelihoods and obtain the registration under the relevant DICA Law in Myanmar

Ø Key Deliverable 2: Coordinate existing MAUK Myanmar partners, identify new partnership opportunities and bring expertise to deliver a Feasibility Study of Sustainable Livelihood Value Chain to strengthen women inclusion in Inter-Faith business, Climate Change Adaptation and protecting income-generating assets

Ø Key Deliverable 3: Provide a Common Operating Picture (COP) for the coordination of Consortium’s information management, risk & adaptation and business development

Deliver development aid in a safely manner for staff, partner organization and beneficiaries is a top priority in the context of Myanmar

To ensure that the Consortium is established in a way that prioritize the Safety & Security, the Terms of Reference will take into account inputs from the following sources:

Ø Myanmar INGO Forum, Safety & Security Working Group

Ø Myanmar INGO Forum, Risk Management Working Group

Ø Myanmar INGO Forum, Working Group on the Organization Registration Law (ORL)

Ø Organization Registration Law (ORL)

Ø The MA-UK Risk Register

The Terms of Reference require to focus on the Theatre of Operations where MA-UK MYANMAR COUNTRY MISSION and current or future partners will be able to operate in a safely manner

MA-UK MYANMAR COUNTRY MISSION will share the information on Theatre of Operations to the organization(s) delivering the Terms of Reference

2. Terms of Reference – Deliverables

2.1. A Viability Study and Recommended Process for the Consortium organization and registration under the relevant Law in Myanmar

The Viability Study and Recommended Process provides MA-UK MYANMAR COUNTRY MISSION with an analysis of the recommended set up for a Consortium of Sustainable livelihoods that, after revision and approval of MA-UK, will be brought to actual registration under the applicable Law and Regulations of DICA

The Viability Study will incorporate in a Manual for the establishment and management of the Consortium the result of consultation with MA-UK MYANMAR COUNTRY MISSION, current active Partner organizations as well as other identified Key Counterparts, providing the Consortium Objectives, Identification of Partners, Structure and Management

Two Key Targets are at the core of the Viability Study:

Ø Identify modalities to ensure a Gender-balanced representation in the Consortium, with recommendations to ensure that at least two Consortium members have a focus on empowering women and/or are constituted by a women-led management

Ø Identify modalities to ensure an Inter-Faith representation in the Consortium, with recommendations to ensure that the members of the Consortium employ and serve different religious confessions representatives of the Theatre of Operation

The Viability Study will include the following points:

o Consortium Objectives

o Scoping and identifying Consortium Partners

a. Set Partners Principles

b. Conduct a Teaming and Due Diligence assessment

o Structuring the Consortium

a. Set Consortium Governance Structure

b. Set Consortium Coordination mechanisms

c. Define the Consortium Steering Committee

d. Define the Consortium Management Unit

e. Define any Consortium Technical Working Group

o Managing the Consortium

a. Partners agreements

b. Design the Consortium MEAL and Information Management Structure

c. Define the Consortium Area of Interest and Area of Expertise

d. Define the framework for internal communication

e. Define the framework for external relations, communication and branding

f. Define the Procedure for Risk Assessment

g. Define the Procedure for Conflict Mitigation and Resolution

The Recommended Process will include the following phases:

a. Report with the recommended process for the registration of the Consortium according to DICA relevant Law and legislation, shared with MA-UK MYANMAR COUNTRY MISSION for revision and comments

b. Preparation and submission of the package of documents as per Final version of the recommended process for the registration of the Consortium, approved by MA-UK MYANMAR COUNTRY MISSION

Expected deliverable

Timeline (Days)

Viability Study - Manual for the establishment and management of the Consortium, inclusive of consultation with Partners and Key Actors, and presentation of results to MA-UK MYANMAR COUNTRY MISSION


Consortium Registration Process established, including two training sessions for MAUK Myanmar and Partner organizations


Consortium Registration obtained


2.2. Coordinate existing MAUK Myanmar partners, identify new partnership opportunities and bring expertise to deliver a Feasibility Study of Sustainable Livelihood Value Chain to strengthen women inclusion in Inter-Faith business, Climate Change Adaptation and protecting income-generating assets

The Feasibility Study is a technical study to support MA-UK in taking informed decisions on how to prioritize value chain for sustainable livelihoods that are cost/effective, scalable across multiple target communities and benefiting the most vulnerable individuals of the communities

The Study will contribute to build a shared understanding and vision between MA-UK and existing Partner organizations, as well as identifying gaps that can be filled by mapping existing potential partners, focusing on the following key elements:

Ø Restoring Inter-Faith livelihoods: mapping the historic Inter-Faith small businesses that led to social cohesion mechanisms between Muslim Community, Buddhist and other Confessions in the Theatre of Operations, with an entry point in supporting the effective restoration of Halal value chain in an Inter-Faith business environment

Ø Identify opportunities for Women-led value chain, role of Consortium partners and the strengthening of women’s role in restored value chain

Ø Protect Assets from natural and man-made hazards: identification of linkages between value chain and climate-smart and climate change adaptation opportunities for Green Financing: the Study will provide a clear outline of the GHG or ecological footprint of the value chain, including opportunities for offsetting emissions

Ø Scalability of the identified opportunities as tool for inclusion and social cohesion: household level is the entry point of MA-UK MYANMAR COUNTRY MISSION response to affected vulnerable people. By prioritizing the most vulnerable individuals – such as persons with disabilities, victims of UXO and landmines, single mothers and displaced – MA-UK MYANMAR COUNTRY MISSION ensures that no vulnerable person is left behind. This approach translates into identifying livelihood opportunities that can be developed and managed in-site by vulnerable individuals. Following the prioritization of livelihood opportunities at household level, MA-UK MYANMAR COUNTRY MISSION promotes a scale up of the livelihoods at community level, with more articulated interconnection among productive assets and community group members. The scalability is a fundamental pre-condition to build an inclusive circular economy and promote social cohesion among community members

Ø Sustainability of the identified opportunities: strengthen a value chain to maximize income for the community members and optimize the use of natural assets is at the core of MA-UK MYANMAR COUNTRY MISSION approach to sustainability. The Study aims at highlight which parts of the value chain can be strengthened to maximize inclusion and benefit for vulnerable groups, raising the overall sustainability level of the whole value chain

The main objective of this consultancy is to carry out a Feasibility Assessment for sustainable livelihood opportunities in the Theatre of Operations of the Consortium and design business plans for households-based livelihoods, community- based livelihoods enterprises and business linkages between the livelihoods system and green economy services

Specifically, the Assessment will:

(a) Identify and conduct a Feasibility Assessment of sustainable livelihood interventions in targeted communities in in the Theatre of Operation. MA-UK MYANMAR COUNTRY MISSION will provide actual locations of area selected, with P-Coded target settlements and P-Coded administrative units

(b) Develop feasibility plans for food and non-food value chains identified in the Theatre of Operation, differentiating between household-owned livelihood systems and community-owned livelihood systems. The identification will include mapping out potential development stakeholders (investors, private sector, and partners) and technical service providers to support implementation of the livelihood systems, possible bottlenecks in supply chain, knowledge and technical skills gap risks and mitigation measures

(c) Support the Consortium by developing targeting criteria and methodological tool for the identification of beneficiaries to implement the selected sustainable livelihood interventions and support the process of identifying and registering the beneficiaries (associations, interest groups, producers) ensuring the needs of identified vulnerable groups are met, building on the existing beneficiary targeting mechanism

(d) Support the Consortium in the development of an appropriate Monitoring and Evaluation Plan for the selected livelihood interventions, with the logical framework, indicators, targets and baseline data tailored towards revealing the effectiveness of the implementation and the impact on communities in the short and medium term.

The consultant(s) are expected to propose a detailed participatory methodology based on Social and Behavior Change models as well as key Development strategy paper for livelihoods in Myanmar (World Bank, Dept of Forestry, FAO) and tools for data collection and analysis in the viability assessment and business plan development. The assessment will provide a deep understanding of the environment and socioeconomic characteristics of the targeted communities, and give insights into just how viable the identified livelihoods are within the local context

The consultant(s) methodology and tools will attempt to address at least the following key questions:

o What is the general situation of the economy in the target areas ?

o What is the current status of coastal and inland livelihoods of communities in the target area?

o What are the key challenges to economic development, skills, market access and investments?

o What was the situation of Inter-Faith livelihoods and small businesses ten years ago ? and how is compared to now ? what are the drivers of change and which group has been more marginalized ?

o Which of the identified livelihoods options/enterprises are likely to be most attractive based on appropriateness for food security and households’ incomes, financially viability (profitability), marketing viability (access), technical feasibility (inputs access and manageability), impact landscape conservation objectives, and strategic relevance and fit for the target communities and local markets?

o Who are the key stakeholders in the markets? What are the volumes of production and trade, market environment, infrastructure and service provision, financial services available (especially for women)?

o What is the situation of local production, industries, business and services including business support services sector?

o What is the situation of women and the youth, and their power in the markets?

o What do the intended beneficiaries communities need to have to meet the preparedness criteria for not just starting the livelihoods/enterprises but also effectively managing them and making them sustainable? What training needs will the intended beneficiaries need to be provided with to achieve that?

o What are the risks and vulnerabilities including social and environmental aspects of the livelihoods/enterprises? How should they be mitigated? - Which livelihoods/enterprises and markets hold the highest potential for improving household food security and economic independence for targeted communities?

o Which potential development partners and technical service providers are readily available that would support the roll out and implementation of the selected interventions/enterprises including providing technical and financial training?

o How the identified local production, industries, business and services including business support services are linked to carbon emissions? Which is predominantly a carbon source which one is predominantly a carbon sink? How carbon emissions and ecological footprint can be offset?

o How the production, industries, business and services including business support services can be connected to Green and Climate Financing products, such as carbon credit, climate insurance schemes? What would be the payout and return to communities from these services?

The Technical Deliverables of the “Feasibility Study of the Sustainable Livelihoods Value Chain to strengthen Inter-Faith inclusion, Climate Change Adaptation and Income-generating Assets” are as detailed below:

Key technical contents to complement the Study objective:

o Value chain of selected food industries that are suitable for household-owned livelihood systems

o Value chain of selected non-food industries that are suitable for household-owned livelihood systems

o Modalities of work and deployment of livelihood systems for people with severe vulnerabilities in household-owned systems: people with disabilities (physical and mental), landmine victims, single women, elder women

o Cost-benefit analysis for proximity of household asset: how to bring assets in proximity of household and guarantee individual marketing, collection/storage

o Risk-reduction analysis for household assets: risk identified, risk management and mitigation, tools for protection of assets, identification of triggers for social conflict and recommendation for the management of social cohesion

o Technical skills gap and recommendation for training modalities of household-owned livelihood systems

o Carbon offset, Carbon source and Carbon sink analysis, linkages with Green and Climate Financing services

o Field Focus Group discussions, primary and secondary data collection

o Value chain of selected food industries that are suitable community-owned livelihood systems

o Value chain of selected non-food industries that are suitable for community-owned livelihood systems

o Modalities of work and deployment of livelihood systems to ensure social inclusion in community-owned livelihood systems: ownership, management, social responsibility, social cohesion and conflict resolution principles to be adopted, formal and legal status of community assets

o Cost-benefit analysis for community asset: how to ensure that the investment has a relevant return for multiple community members, how the return prioritize the social cohesion and sustainable management

o Risk-reduction analysis for community assets: risk identified, risk management and mitigation, tools for protection of assets, identification of triggers for social conflict and recommendation for the management of social cohesion

o Integration of demining in community-level livelihood: mine risk education, adaptation of non-technical assessment for mine risk mapping, analysis of potential land recovery and cost/benefit of mine clearance

o Technical skills gap and recommendation for training modalities of community-owned livelihood systems

o Mapping the historical Faith-based livelihood hubs in the Theatre of Operation and country-wide

o Identified Inter-Faith small businesses that traditionally benefited the co-existence of Muslim groups with Buddhists and other Confessions

o Identified drivers of change that impacted the Inter-Faith livelihoods and small businesses

o Consolidation of risk mapping, landcover, natural resources and communities exposure, impact, affected and in need for protection of natural assets. Exposure to man-made risk, with a priority on mine risk, EOD spatial data consolidation and estimate of impact of landmines on assets productivity

o Feasibility analysis for the deployment of a climate-insurance risk for household and community livelihood assets exposed to natural hazard and climate change risk in the target areas

o Feasibility analysis for the deployment of carbon-based financial products in the target areas: carbon credit, blue carbon, carbon farming

o Coastal mapping for investments in Green and Climate Financing: data mining on existing investment targeting coastal development, fisheries, coastal communities and mangroves ecosystem in the coastal area of Myanmar

Expected Deliverable

Timeline (Days)

Deliverable 1 – Report on the Feasibility Analysis of ppportunities for Sustainable Livelihoods – Household, community and Inter-Faith, developed by coordinating MAUK Partners and bringing expertise to fill identified knowledge gap


2.3. Provide a Common Operating Picture (COP) for the coordination of Consortium’s information management, risk & adaptation and business development

Deliverable 1 – COP Component 1: Information Management support and coordination of the Consortium

o Assess the Information Management processes, procedures and capacity of the Consortium members

o Present to MAUK and to the Consortium Member an Information Management Continuity Plan to provide regular, timely support, fill gaps in information collection, circulation and utilization, including the following key elements:

o Ensure continuity in support of the Consortium IM needs through deployment of human resources

o Build capacity of the Consortium members in IM

o Harmonize the different tools utilized by Consortium members for information management

o Lead the creation of a mapping and information visualization strategy of the Consortium, with regular and timely update information products proactively developed to assist the Consortium decision making process

o Establish an effective network of expertise in Information Management for the purposes of the Consortium, by connecting human resources, data structures and information products across MAUK, Consortium members, AHA Center, MIMU, Chamber of Commerce, Embassies’ IM nodes and other relevant actors in the information sector

Deliverable 2 – COP Component 2: Lead the development of a Risk management strategy for Consortium activities and assets protection

o Harmonize the different concepts, practices and understanding of Risk across Consortium partners

o Introduce Risk concepts and methodology to assess risk aligned with the Consortium business sector

o Provide a method to map and measure the Risk for the assets owned by the Consortium and utilized by beneficiaries

o Provide a method to map and measure the Risk of the assets owned by communities and beneficiaries

o Provide an analysis of tools to mitigate and manage the risk of assets:

§ Extending protection to community assets vs man-made hazards

§ Extending protection to community assets vs natural hazards

§ Return of Investment of risk mitigation measures

· ROI Physical intervention

· ROI of Financial tools to shift risks from communities to financial products: how community can benefit from climate insurance schemes, hazard schemes, payouts and financial transfer to communities

Deliverable 3 – COP Component 3: Coordinate the design of Business Development strategy

o Donor mapping and mapping the existing network between Consortium members and Donors

o Develop a strategy of complementarity between existing Donor relationships with Consortium members and new funding opportunities:

§ Identified Donor and opportunities in the sector of restoration of value chain

§ Identified Donor and opportunities in the sector of Inter-Faith Dialogue

§ Identified Donor and opportunities in the sector of protection of community assets for livelihoods

§ Identified Donor and opportunities in the sector of decent job, women empowerment and women-led small businesses

o Coordinate Consortium members and utilize Information Management capacity to design project Concept Notes, pre-position Concept Notes in Donors’ interest and train the Consortium members on the evidence of Business Development

Expected deliverable

Timeline (Days)

Deliverable 1 – COP Component 1: Information Management support and coordination of the Consortium


Deliverable 2 – COP Component 2: Lead the development of a Risk management strategy for Consortium activities and assets protection


Deliverable 3 – COP Component 3: Coordinate the design of Business Development strategy


3. Terms of Reference - The Applicant(s)

One of more firm(s) and expert(s) are invited to submit their Offer, individually or in combination, to provide the required services under these Terms of Reference, at the following conditions:

The firm/experts must be based in the ASEAN region/South Asia and Pacific region and able to travel to coordinate with MA-UK MYANMAR COUNTRY MISSION in Myanmar, if appropriate according to MA-UK MYANMAR COUNTRY MISSION Safety & Security recommendations, and to Bangkok, Thailand

Eligibility and qualification of firm(s) and expert(s)

The firm(s) and expert(s) must show evidence of professional qualifications and extensive relevant analysis on:

Ø assessing, structure, register and train organizations to establish a Consortium, according to national Law, DICA legislation

Ø livelihood assessments, natural resources management and assisting international organizations to build sustainable livelihoods in post-conflict areas affected by landmines and natural hazards

Ø Inter-Faith livelihood, traditional Muslim-owned small businesses, women-owned businesses

Ø Design of Project Management and Information Products for the resource mobilization for Consortium on Sustainable Livelihoods

Extensive knowledge is also required on designing Consortium models to transition vulnerable and marginalized groups from emergency to sustainable livelihoods, green financing, carbon credit, climate insurance, sustainable financing, fisheries, agriculture and food security, community and stakeholder participatory engagement, amongst others.

Preference is for firm(s) and expert(s) with a track record of analysis delivered for INGOs, United Nations agencies (WFP, FAO, UNDP, UNEP, UNMAS) and an in-depth professional relationship with ASEAN countries, especially with leading Donors in ASEAN

The firm(s) and expert(s) should consist of companies and individuals, applying singularly or in a combination to address all the requirements of the Terms of Reference, with the following profiles:

1. Expertise in agriculture, agricultural economics, agro-business, sustainable rural livelihoods, or related fields and with minimum of fifteen (15) years such as information and analytics for livelihoods, natural resources mapping, environmental risk and natural hazards with direct experience in developing agriculture system analysis and value chain analysis with international organizations (World Bank, ILO, WFP, FAO) (CV of leading expert with at least MSc education level and track record to be submitted with application)

2. Expertise in livelihood restoration for agriculture, fisheries and non-food livelihoods in post-conflict areas of the ASEAN region, developing agribusiness with cooperatives/farmer organizations, inclusive value chain development, with a focus on Inter-Faith value chain and market linkages (CV of leading expert with at least MSc education level and track record to be submitted with application)

3. Demonstrated experience developing and delivering high quality livelihood and natural resources analysis and assessments, livelihood viability assessments, landmine risk in livelihoods, natural hazards risk in livelihoods, community development and needs assessments associated with meeting food security and natural resource management/ conservation objectives (at least one sample analysis, baseline or report to be submitted with the application)

4. Demonstrated capacity to generate high quality analysis, natural resources mapping, livelihood system mapping and value chain analysis (at least one sample work to be submitted with the application)

5. Demonstrated knowledge and access to the state of art information on natural assets, livelihoods and green investment for development in Myanmar, including physical infrastructures, natural hazards, key development plans for coastal area, landcover changes, financial service providers

6. In depth knowledge in the livelihoods sector (e.g. microfinance, vocational training and technical education, community contracting) and of green financial products utilized to promote sustainable livelihoods in post-conflict and/or post-disaster areas

7. In depth knowledge about small-scale livelihood systems operated at household level, business development and diversification for alternative income and other behavioral practices

8. Experience in establishing household and community level livelihood systems in post-conflict settings

9. Demonstrated experience in establishing livelihood systems for people with disabilities

10. Extensively experience in assisting landmine victims in accessing livelihood opportunities, promote a culture or mine risk education and safety

11. Demonstrated experience working in Protection for vulnerable groups in conflict-affected areas, with mandatory knowledge of UNHCR protection system

12. Demonstrated experience in and excellent skills for stakeholder engagement at the national and community levels, including efficient facilitation during meetings between various stakeholders (government, NGOs, CBOs, international community and communal levels)

13. Demonstrated experience working in protected areas systems, and the sub-sector of alternative incomes and other behavioral practices that encourage sustainable use of natural assets

14. Experience implementing community-based and participatory approaches, policy for assets management, conflict resolution and listener groups in communities

15. Strong technical report writing, data acquisition and analysis skills, with capacity to gather secondary data through UN and national sources

16. Excellent writing and speaking skills in English language: able to generate high-level reports, timely address requests from Authorities and Consortium partners

17. Excellent writing and speaking skills in Burmese language: able to generate high-level reports, timely address requests from Authorities and Consortium partners

How to apply

Interested candidates and firms should submit the documents described below by email and with in Cc with the subject title “Consortium for Sustainable Livelihoods” by the 19.06.2023

Application is accepted for the whole set of deliverables, or separately for one or more of the three Key Deliverables

(a) Technical Application/Proposal – responding to the TORs and demonstrating at least: a solid understanding and ability to deliver the requirements of the assignment, suitability for the assignment (e.g. institutional/consultant capacity and expertise including the required examples of past relevant experience, CVs of key personnel, introduction letter), and an outline of the methodology that would be used to execute the assignment. The technical proposal should have a maximum of 10 pages with Times New Roman, Frontsize 12, excluding attachments and cover letter.

(b) Financial proposal–highlighting costs to execute the assignment including daily rates used for calculations and justifications. Costs should be quoted in US Dollars. The financial proposal shall be submitted in a separate document from the technical proposal. Please note MA-UK MYANMAR COUNTRY MISSION cannot be charged for any consultant(s)’ costs or incurred costs related to the preparation and submission of their proposal.

All applications shall be submitted in English and only shortlisted applicants will be contacted by MA-UK MYANMAR COUNTRY MISSION

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