Monday, July 31, 2023


Country: France
Organization: Action contre la Faim France
Closing date: 30 Aug 2023

Créée en 1979, Action contre la Faim est une organisation non gouvernementale internationale qui lutte contre la faim dans le monde. Sa charte des principes humanitaires - indépendance, neutralité, non-discrimination, accès libre et direct aux victimes, professionnalisme, transparence - fonde son identité depuis plus de 40 ans. Sa mission est de sauver des vies en éliminant la faim par la prévention, la détection et le traitement de la sous-nutrition, en particulier pendant et après les situations d'urgence liées aux conflits et aux catastrophes naturelles. Action contre la Faim coordonne ses programmes autour de 5 domaines d'activités : Nutrition et Santé - Santé Mentale, Soutien Psychosocial et Protection - Sécurité Alimentaire et Moyens d'Existence - Eau, Assainissement et Hygiène - Plaidoyer. En 2021, Action contre la Faim est venue en aide à plus de 25 millions de personnes dans 46 pays à travers le monde.


En tant que Référent.e Technique Opérationnel en Genre et Protection, et sous la supervision de la Responsable de service Genre et Protection, votre rôle principal sera d'appuyer les équipes des bureaux pays et de la Direction d'opérations internationales au siège (dont les différents secteurs techniques) pour assurer la qualité, la pertinence et l'innovation technique des interventions d'ACF dans les domaines du Genre et de la Protection.
Plus précisément, vous :
- Contribuez au développement et à la mise en oeuvre des stratégies Genre et Protection dans les Bureaux Pays et au siège d'ACF France, notamment en soutenant et conseillant les Bureaux Pays dans leur réflexion, l'élaboration de leur plan de mise en oeuvre de la stratégie, dans l'identification et la résolution de problèmes identifiés sur les questions Genre et Protection.
- Contribuez à l'accompagnement des Bureaux Pays dans l'amélioration de leur expertise technique et la consolidation de leurs pratiques et compétences en Genre et Protection, notamment en effectuant des visites terrains dans les Bureaux Pays et en développant des outils, guides, protocoles et formations.
- Contribuez à la sélection, à la formation, à l'encadrement et à l'évaluation des équipes Genre et Protection dans les Bureaux Pays.
- Favorisez les avancées techniques et contribuez à la promotion de la culture Genre et Protection d'ACF notamment en élaborant des documents techniques et des contenus de communication.


Vous êtes titulaire d'un diplôme de niveau master en genre, en droit international, en sciences sociales ou en relations internationales.
Vous avez au minimum 4 ans d'expérience professionnelle dans la supervision / coordination technique en genre et / ou protection sur le terrain avec une ONG humanitaire, et dans la prise en compte de la dimension genre et protection dans le cycle de projet.
Vous avez une excellente connaissance des normes de protection et de genre au niveau international.
Vous avec des aptitudes interpersonnelles démontrées et travaillez dans le respect des personnes ayant des besoins spéciaux et des vulnérabilités.
Vous avez obligatoirement de bonnes capacités rédactionnelles et de mise en forme en français et en anglais.


- Statut : Cadre Intégré - CDD 18 mois - Temps plein
- Lieu : Montreuil (Seine-Saint-Denis)
- Rémunération : - De 39 à 46KEUR bruts annuels sur 13 mois selon expérience
- Prime d'ancienneté à partir de 3 années de présence au siège (Pour les postes en CDI)

- Avantages: - 21 jours de RTT
- Couverture santé, prévoyance : Prise en charge à 80% par ACF (à 100% pour l'année 2023)
- Dispositifs de maintien de salaire (maladie, maternité, paternité)
- Indemnités Transport : Prise en charge à 50% du forfait entre le domicile et le lieu de travail
- Indemnités Tickets-restaurant (Carte déjeuner Up): Prise en charge à 60% par l'association pour une valeur de 8EUR
- Œuvres sociales du CSE (chèques cadeaux, remboursement activités culturelles, ...)

- Télétravail : - Télétravail ouvert à tous et toutes depuis le territoire métropolitain
- Il a été défini pour ce poste une présence obligatoire au siège de 1 jours par mois, en dehors des temps présentiels collectifs.
- Temps de présentiels collectifs imposés / également obligatoires par l'employeur : pour les réunions et événements collectifs (jusqu'à 3 jours par mois) et 2 jours de présence obligatoire lors de votre intégration dans l'équipe
- Indemnités de télétravail

- Formation: Accès illimité et gratuit à la plateforme d'e-learning certifiant Crossknowledge
- Conditions particulières: déplacements sur le terrain à prévoir
ACF s'engage pour les personnes en situation de handicap et lutte activement contre toutes les formes de discrimination.

How to apply

Pour postuler, cliquez sur ce lien / To apply, please click on this following link : apply here

from ReliefWeb - Jobs

Legal Consultant and Repatriation Expert - “Reparations: An Accountability Pathway for Economic Social and Cultural Rights Abuses in Yemen.”

Organization: Global Rights Compliance
Closing date: 27 Aug 2023

Global Rights Compliance (‘GRC’) is a niche organization made up of international lawyers and development experts focused on “democratizing” complex international human rights, and criminal and humanitarian law. Drawing on decades of experience in conflict-affected areas and transitional justice environments our “root and branch” philosophy combines innovative full-spectrum accountability strategies, building the capacity of States to implement international humanitarian and human rights standards, bespoke expertise in evidence gathering in conflict settings, and assisting communities to seek remedies for violations.

GRC is committed to enhancing compliance with international humanitarian law (‘IHL’), international criminal law (‘ICL’), and international human rights law (‘IHRL’) in fragile and conflict-affected states(‘FCAS’).


The ongoing Yemen conflict has caused the world’s worst humanitarian crisis. Conflict continues to remain the main driver of hunger, with the World Food Programme (WFP) consistently warning of ‘multiple famines of biblical proportions.’ Both the latest Integrated Food Security Phase Classification System (IPC) analysis and WFP, estimate that 17 million people in Yemen are severely food insecure. The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) estimates that 23,4 million Yemenis are in need of humanitarian assistance. Yet an understanding of starvation as a deliberate crime and associated violations of international humanitarian law and abuses of economic, social, and cultural (ESC) rights remains lacking in Yemeni civil society. This inability of effective identification, documentation, and safe preservation of such information results in an inaccurate factual record of the conflict and its impact on civilians. Correctly identifying starvation-related violations and abuses may dispel misconceptions pertaining to the incidental nature of starvation as a by-product of armed conflict and rather places the focus on the role of deliberate human conduct intrinsic in these types of crimes.

The proposed project Reparations: An Accountability Pathway for Economic Social and Cultural rights abuses in Yemen is centered around two objectives: (i) capacity building tailored to three Yemeni partners and a wider community of Yemeni CSOs identified on inception on best practices on documentation using the Starvation Manual and Starvation Accountability App; safe open-source investigations; and documenting for reparations-oriented accountability; and (ii) translating the knowledge gained into a discreet investigation of starvation-related abuses.

The project’s objectives will be realized through capacity-building and innovative forensic investigations and legal accountability. From the design, implementation, and delivery of legal analytical products, the program and its implementation will be informed and guided by a strong survivor-informed and gender-sensitive approach, ensuring that programming inclusively elevates to the maximum extent possible Yemeni perspectives.


The Legal Consultant with the support and guidance of the Partner and Project Director will be responsible for all Project deliverables, together with the Yemeni Research Adviser. They will lead on all work outputs, first drafts, prepare memos for the team and feed information to the M&E Officer. Specifically they, together with the Yemeni Advisor will be responsible for the production of the training materials; research and drafting of the Reparations Guide; and all investigative and submissions-based outputs.

DUTY STATION: The job will be remote with possible travel.
CONTRACT DURATION: 6-month contract with a possible extension.


Project Implementation: develop and prepare the content of training and mentorship sessions together with the Yemen Research Adviser and OSINT provider and deliver online and offline sessions of legal mentorship and training; assist in the organization of the GRC team’s trips to Amman and liaise with local counterparts; liaise with CSO implementing partner on a continuous basis and understand their needs and interest; together with the project director lead and provide assistance and research on the project’s investigative outputs, including by liaising and providing mentorship to the Yemeni CSO partners; be responsible for the preparation, research, analysis, and drafting needed to finalize legal submissions to UN bodies and public-facing reports.


We are looking for a candidate:

  • is qualified in law (LLM mandatory; LLB preferred), with 5-7 years of experience and practical knowledge of international human rights, criminal and/or humanitarian law;
  • experience and in-depth understanding of the international law on reparations;
  • is proficient in English (Yemeni Arabic language skills are an advantage);
  • possesses a good understanding of the main issues relevant to the human rights situation in Yemen, preferably with a good view of emerging trends;
  • who has practical experience working with a variety of stakeholders including civil society organizations in Yemen;
  • who has experience in conducting capacity-building activities with civil society organizations, preferably in the Yemen context;
  • with an ability to lead and conduct complex investigations, blending traditional investigative techniques and OSINT;
  • able to work on their own initiative and with limited supervision, without requiring detailed guidance to get started but who can be given a desired outcome and figure out the action areas required to reach it;
  • able to work as part of a multicultural team working towards a common goal and respectful of differentiating working approaches;
  • who is flexible, versatile, and creative and able to work in a changeable & fast-moving environment, and capable of spontaneously support in project deliverables that are not in their remit where needed;
  • with a proactive character, suggesting solutions and approaches, anticipating problems, and foreseeing potential challenges;
  • able to think practically, to break down and pursue the elements required to operationalize a strategy;
  • administratively competent; able to manage competing urgent demands.

How to apply

Please submit your CV and cover letter to by the 27th of August indicating the position you are applying for in the email subject.

from ReliefWeb - Jobs

Sunday, July 30, 2023

Programmes Director

Country: Türkiye
Organization: GOAL
Closing date: 13 Aug 2023

General Description of the Programme:

GOAL an International Humanitarian Organisation has had a presence in Türkiye since 2013 and has been contributing to the migrant response since 2016 with a focus on responding to needs in health service delivery, social safety nets and the protection of vulnerable and marginalised migrants in southern Türkiye.

GOAL has been responding to February 6, earthquakes with emergency humanitarian assistance. Emergency response is covering all 5 southern provinces of Urfa, Gaziantep, Adana, Mersin and Hatay reaching over 25,000 people in first 2 weeks following two devastating earthquakes. GOAL will continue to implement emergency response and early recovery programming in the next 6 months period and will continue to implement ECHO funded LINK in Türkiye, LINK program targets refugees from nomadic / semi-nomadic backgrounds and those engaged in seasonal agricultural labor. LINK has been designed to address and mitigate protection concerns of the vulnerable / marginalized refugees through provision of critical information and raising their awareness on their rights, obligations and services available in Türkiye, by sensitization/advocacy (targeting key stakeholders and service providers, etc.) activities, and Individual Protection Assistance (IPA) services to enable highly vulnerable refugees to access to basic, social and protective services available under the provisions of Temporary and International Protection regulations in Türkiye.

Overview of the role

The Programme Director (PD) will assume overall responsibility for GOAL's programming in Türkiye through high-level representation as well as for strategic direction and senior programme personnel management. The post holder will require excellent collaboration, communication, and leadership skills as well as programme development and management capacity, especially in the areas of project work planning and team management, budget management and compliance. The role will also have responsibilities regarding resourcing, coordination and will be a member of the Senior Management Team. The PD has responsibility for line-managing the Programme Coordinators. S/he is responsible for managing relationships at field with local authorities, UN coordination mechanisms, national and international NGOs, other service providers and beneficiaries. S/he will contribute to achievement of GOAL Turkiye’s strategy and annual country objectives through quality implementation and contributions to program development and oversight. This role requires astute skills in building and sustaining relationships and coordination with diverse stakeholders to facilitate successful program implementation. He/she is also responsible for general activities that are indispensable when it comes to project implementation, such as diagnostics, planning, activity management, team supervision, and support to financial, logistical and procurement management of activities.

Job purpose:

Provide strategic leadership and vision for the Türkiye emergency response and early recovery programme including leading on the development of complementary program concepts within protection, livelihoods, and social cohesion.

  • Provide senior level leadership to the Türkiye program team for an integrated approach to achieve high quality evidence-based programming and results as defined in the program agreements, while maintaining excellence and accountability to beneficiary population and the donors.
  • Overall program budget responsibility through ensuring good program financial management by developing implementation plans, making budgetary decisions, monitoring implementation of activities versus spend rates, reviewing all field support requirements and costings, and ensuring that donor budget is adhered to, and modified, as necessary.

Duties, objectives, and competencies

Responsibility 1 – Strategic Leadership and Vision

  • Work with the Country Director, the Program Coordinators to articulate the country program vision.
  • Provide strategic leadership and vision to attain programme goals and objectives through the development, implementation, reviews, presentation, and management of all aspects of this large programme.
  • Input, recommend and lead discussion of programme priorities and explore, evaluate, and present new programme/ business opportunities that leverage impact and/ or complement core activities with the wider SMT and Regional Director
  • In close collaboration with the Programme Coordinators, the PD will ensure that the overall programme direction, vision, and strategy are well defined and clearly communicated within the GOAL team and Head Quarters as well as with external stakeholders including government, civil society, and the donor community.
  • In close collaboration with the MEAL Manager, ensure high quality evidence-based programming through the development and implementation of appropriate Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEAL); sound information system and programme management as well the establishment of a culture of learning within the programme team and the country office.

Responsibility 2 – Team Management

  • Line manages the Program Coordinators/MEAL/Grants and Communications departments as per organogram who are responsible for the development of the programme approach, guiding the program team in program work-planning and ensuring the quality of programme delivery.
  • Conduct regular meetings with the project technical teams at all levels as a vehicle for monitoring progress on and linking with the Program Managers in providing technical leadership and guidance to project staff.
  • In close collaboration with the Middle East programme Coordinator, provide oversight of the donor and internal narrative reporting, ensuring that all reports meet the appropriate standards and are delivered on time and to exceptional quality standards.

Responsibility – Financial Management

  • Overall program budget responsibility through ensuring good program financial management by developing implementation plans, making budgetary decisions, monitoring implementation of activities versus spend rates, reviewing all field support requirements and costings, and ensuring that donor budget is adhered to, and modified as necessary.
  • Work with the program and finance teams to ensure good program financial management by developing implementation plans, making budgetary decisions, monitoring implementation of activities versus spend rates, reviewing all field support requirements and costings, and ensuring that donor budget is adhered to, and modified as necessary.

Responsibility 4 – Representation/Visibility

  • Actively contribute to GOAL’s overall External Communications Strategy, beneficiary communications and general communication strategy for the combined Syria and Turkiye programs, and ensure implementation, roll-out and dissemination as appropriate.
  • Ensure that all communications are in line with the GOAL Türkiye/Syria Response communication strategy and reflect the best interests of GOAL in the region - with the overall objective of building and maintaining strong working relations with key internal and external stakeholders, beneficiaries, and suppliers, where appropriate.
    • Work closely with the Country Director to represent the programme to the wider humanitarian and development community, ensuring that the Turkiye programme is well understood and well represented in various fora
    • Maintain strong and regular contact, and ensure good relations and accountability to the donors, government counterparts and the civil society.
    • Work closely with other agencies through the Türkiye NGO Forum and other mechanisms to coordinate humanitarian actions and advocate for a supportive work environment for humanitarian agencies working in protection and inclusion in Turkiye.
    • Work closely with the Government Liaison team to ensure representation with the Government of Türkiye, particularly the Department of Association and other relevant NGO bodies.

Responsibility 5 - Support Function Management

  • Oversee smooth coordination within the support structure of the wider GOAL Syria/Türkiye systems departments promoting a high level of teamwork and collaboration across and within the programme and programme support teams (HR, Administration, IT, Procurement, Logistics, Internal Audit and Donor compliance) related to the implementation of the Türkiye program in close coordination with the Systems Director (SD), the relevant functions under the SD as well as the Goal Türkiye Head of Operations (HoO).
    • Work with HR Coordinator and the technical leads to oversee staff recruitment and training to ensure staff can deliver high quality programme management. Ensure evaluations and disciplinary measures are executed as necessary and according to GOAL policy.
    • Work with the Procurement Coordinator, the SD and GOAL HQ (as necessary) to manage all programme procurements, ensuring that PRs, technical requirements are scoped out and that practical procurement plans are put in place and procurement performance against agreed delivery times are closely monitored.
    • Liaise with the Logistics Coordinator regarding stores, fleet, assets, and other general logistics needs.
    • Ensure that general administration management issues are mapped, flagged, and dealt with promptly and efficiently by the team and referred as appropriate within the wider GOAL team.

Responsibility 6 –Risk Management

  • Work with the Türkiye Safety and Security Advisor to monitor the operating environment and any influence of external actors on the operating environment in Turkiye.
    • Work with the Turkiye SMT to ensure that the Türkiye Risk Register is updated quarterly and grant specific risk registers are developed to reflect the actual risks and that appropriate mitigating measures are developed and implemented as relevant.
    • Responsible for the development and review of donor updates (including for donor reports) regarding the operational environment and risk mitigation measures.
    • Provide input for contingency planning relating to the Türkiye Program Implementation with full participation of the SMT and participate in broader contingency planning under the leadership of the RD and Regional Security Advisor.
    • Provide strong local contextual support and advice to the CD.

Responsibility 7 – Compliance and Accountability

  • Support the Internal Audit Coordinator as required for providing input into investigations of corruption, fraud, and conflict of interest, as relates to providing recommendations for the mitigation of risks and incorporation of lessons learnt into SOPs and organisational practices within programs or the interface between programs and support functions.
  • Ensure Programme SOPs are in place that guide program operations and include appropriate review and approval processes.

Requirements (essential)

  • Master level qualification in Social Sciences, Development Studies, Entrepreneurship, or an equivalent area; and/or equivalent senior experience in relevant programmatic areas of protection and/or managing humanitarian projects at a senior level. You should be able to demonstrate sufficient academic knowledge, learning and understanding of working with migrant populations, the humanitarian and development sector and the political realities of the operating environment.
  • Senior level management and supervisory experience in a humanitarian/development or relevant similar organisation. At minimum, you must have at least five years of progressively more responsible supervisory work experience that involved direct programme management and staff management, oversight and evaluation of staff performance and deliverables, and contract/grant management.
  • Demonstrated track record of achieving results in a humanitarian/development context. Specific and relevant program development outcomes achieved as a result of your leadership should be documented in your application.
  • Experience working in Türkiye and/or a strong demonstrated understanding of the country context and the region.
  • Demonstrated track record of working in teams and fostering collaborative partnerships at a senior level.
  • Excellent oral and written communication abilities in Turkish and English. You should possess an ability to effectively communicate with a wide variety of stakeholders to communicate goals and expectations to their teams, and to deliver timely and high quality oral and written analysis and reporting.
  • Excellent coordination skills and ability to work as part of a team and with other teams and functions within the organisation. Capacity to build and maintain effective relationships, with colleagues (across departments and locations).
  • Demonstrated capacity to develop monitoring, evaluation, and learning frameworks and programme learning. You must possess a demonstrated ability to provide oversight and leadership for high quality results monitoring and assuring data quality, and for evidence based adaptive management.
  • Excellent analytical, writing skills and training skills
  • Problem solving skills to identify and lead the resolution of issues
  • Patient, flexible, able to improvise and communicate clearly and effectively under pressure
  • Strong communication (written and spoken), and interpersonal skills.
  • Excellent staff management and personnel skills.

**Only those with Turkish Citizenship will be considered eligible for this process**

Requirements (desired)

  • Preferred but not mandatory protection and or livelihood programming experience.
  • Experience managing ECHO, EU, GIZ, USAID, BPRM funded programming.
  • Proficiency in Arabic is an advantage

Please note that GOAL does not charge a fee of any kind or any other financial obligation at any stage of its recruitment process (application, interview, processing, training, induction) or other fees, or request information on applicants’ bank accounts. GOAL does not work with intermediary institutions and individuals or employment agencies during the recruitment process. If any fee or payment requested from you at the application or any stage of the recruitment process, please inform with the details immediately.

GOAL’ün, işe alım sürecinin (başvuru, başvuruların işlenmesi, mülakat, eğitim, oryantasyon) hiç bir aşamasında hiç bir şekilde ücret talep etmediğini, başvuru sahibine herhangi bir finansal yükümlülük yüklemediğini ya da başvuru sahibine ait banka bilgilerini talep etmediğini unutmayınız. GOAL işe alım süreci boyunca hiç bir aracı kurum ya da kuruluş yahut istihdam bürosuyla çalışmamaktadır. Eğer başvuru sırasında ya da işe alım sürecinin herhangi bir aşamasında sizden herhangi bir ücret ya da ödeme talep edilirse lütfen derhal adresine detayları da içeren bir e-posta gönderiniz.

General terms and conditions


Children and vulnerable adults a must be safeguarded to the maximum possible extent from deliberate or inadvertent actions and failings that place them at risk of abuse, sexual exploitation, injury and any other harm. One of the ways that GOAL shows this on-going commitment to safeguarding is to include rigorous background and reference checks in the selection process for all candidates.

Accountability within GOAL

Alongside our safeguarding policy, GOAL is an equal opportunities employer and has a set of integrity policies. Any candidate offered a job with GOAL will be expected to adhere to the following key areas of accountability:

  • Comply with GOAL’s policies and procedures with respect to safeguarding, Code of Conduct, health and safety, data protection and confidentiality, do no harm principles and unacceptable behaviour protocols.
  • Report any concerns about the welfare of a child or vulnerable adult or any wrongdoings within our programming area.
  • Report any concerns about inappropriate behaviour of a GOAL staff or partner.

This Job Description only serves as a guide for the position available. GOAL reserves the right to change this document. Any published closing dates are estimated. Due to the nature of GOAL’s work we aim to fill vacancies as quickly as possible. This means that we will close adverts as soon as we have found the right candidate and this may be before the published closing date. We would therefore advise interested applicants to submit an application as early as possible.

Thank you.

How to apply

Interested? Then apply for this position via clicking on the "apply now" button and fill out the application form. All applicants must send a cover letter and an updated CV (no longer than four pages). Both must be in English. Please note that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

Application deadline is 13 August 2023 .

from ReliefWeb - Jobs

Senior Education Technical Adviser

Country: Afghanistan
Organization: Save the Children
Closing date: 10 Aug 2023

TITLE: Senior Education Technical Adviser
REPORTS TO: Head of Technical Unit

LOCATION: Kabul, Afghanistan (with travel to provinces)

Level 3 - the responsibilities of the post may require the post holder to have regular contact with or access to children or young people.
Staff directly reporting to this post: Education Technical Specialist (s) Budget Responsibilities: None


The Senior Education Technical Advisor is responsible for ensuring high quality programming of Education Projects. S/he will ensure technical standards are defined, shared and used across projects, coordination, standardization of approaches and use of common approaches in different projects, and that quality of program are of nationally/internationally accepted and recommended standards. The Advisor builds strong external relations, and produces and utilizes high quality and well-articulated project evidence and research for learning, advocacy and for the continued development of the Education portfolio.

The overall aim of the Senior Education Technical Adviser will be to monitor the needs and gaps, design appropriate interventions, and guide staff and partners in the initiation of programmes to address violations of children's right to education and protection.

The post holder will ensure that programmes are designed in alignment with international quality standards and that the team has the appropriate level of capability to implement and monitor the programme. The post holder will be expected, with limited support, to lead on sectoral assessment, programme design and master budgeting, coordination, and support fundraising, recruitment, and procurement.

The Senior Education Technical Adviser will also be expected to play a leadership role within a response team, through 360-degree support to colleagues and work to ensure that broader sector coordination mechanisms are functioning effectively. In most circumstances, the post-holder will be expected to mentor and/or build capacity both international and national staff colleagues.


Programming Quality and effectiveness
* Provide technical advice and support in education to support quality programming and implementation for education projects and the design and delivery of the Country Strategic Plans.
* Ensuring that needs are identified and that education projects address the identified needs, fill gaps and prevent overlap and duplication and to inform the development and delivery of the education strategy with integrated links with other sectors.
* Actively seek innovative programme improvements and programme design and proposals which encourage donor diversification and the opportunity to try new approaches.
* Ensure priority cross-cutting issues are embedded in programming interventions.
* Actively communicate and coordinate with other sector specialists and relevant technical advisors and project coordinators to ensure integrated approaches across themes.
* Ensure common approaches and SCI quality frameworks standards are incorporated into proposals and implemented.
* Work closely with the Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL) team to ensure education work is contributing to all objectives across these priority quality areas.
* Contribute to the development of an M&E framework for the education programme that monitors the impact of projects and progress towards strategic operational and advocacy objectives.
* Conduct regular field visits to provide supportive supervision to all education programs and build capacity of staff.
* Review all education donor reports to ensure high quality.
* Build capacity of staff and partners to ensure they have skills to deliver programmes and objectives and meet donor and SCI quality standards.
* Support multiple education consortiums (which are led by SCI) technically where required

Fundraising and donor engagement
* Support donor engagement and strategic fundraising to secure sufficient funding to maintain or expand the country office's education programs as per the country strategic plan needs and in a pro-active manner.
* Develop and maintain contacts with current and potential donors, partners and key technical agencies. Support donor meetings and visits.
* Ensure that members are aware of funding opportunities and support their capacity to access these.
* Secure sufficient funding to maintain or expand the country office's education programs as per the country strategic plan needs.

* Develop policy briefs and position papers related to Education with the Head of Advocacy
* Keep abreast of national and global debate in Education and relevant sub-themes, analyse and use in programming and advocacy to pro-actively inform the advocacy activity and strategy
* With the support of the ACCM Director, develop and implement EiE advocacy work to achieve education advocacy objectives and outcomes.
* Represent Save the Children in the Education Cluster, the Afghanistan Strategic Group, and other relevant working groups, task forces, seminars and related fora in the thematic area; and among donors, UN agencies, International NGOs, and national and sub-national government counterparts in coordination.


1. Applying Technical and Professional Expertise:
Applies the required technical and professional expertise to the highest standards; promotes and shared best practice within and outside the organisation.
Level required: Accomplished

2. Delivering Results:
Takes personal responsibility and holds others accountable for delivering our ambitious goals for children, continually improving their own performance or that of the team / organisation.
Level required: Leading Edge

3. Problem Solving and Decision-Making:
Takes effective, considered and timely decisions by gathering and evaluating relevant information from within or outside the organisation
Level required: Leading Edge

4. Advisor: Leading and Inspiring Others
Demonstrates leadership in all our work, embodies our values, and articulates a compelling vision to inspire others to achieve our goals for children.
Level required: Accomplished


Master Degree in Education or related field or any equivalent education.

* Previous experience of working in large-scale emergency response
* At least 7 years' experience at senior level in the education sector and working in international assignments with INGOs.
* Previous experience of managing a team of international and national staff
* Previous experience of quality oversight across multiple locations
* Commitment to, thorough understanding of, and ability to train staff in participation and accountability approaches
* Demonstrated experience in leading assessment activities and of designing, managing, monitoring and evaluating education programmes for NGOs
* Experience of applying relevant interagency humanitarian frameworks and standards in education in emergencies (for example INEE Minimum Standards)
* Demonstrated ability to set up monitoring & evaluation systems in large complex programmes.
* Demonstrated ability to set up learning and development processes for a large team
* Experience of senior level representation, including cluster coordination
* Experience of developing and negotiating successful partnerships with institutional donors
* Ability to write clear and well-argued assessment and project reports
* Excellent communication skills
* Proven ability to influence change at an operational and strategic level.
* Politically and culturally sensitive with qualities of patience, tact and diplomacy
* A high level of written and spoken English
* The capacity and willingness to be extremely flexible and accommodating in difficult and sometimes insecure working circumstances.
* Commitment to the aims and principles of SC. In particular, a good understanding of the SC mandate and child focus and an ability to ensure this continues to underpin our support

* Experience or knowledge of working and living in relevant regions/contexts

How to apply

Please follow this link to apply:

from ReliefWeb - Jobs

Saturday, July 29, 2023

Friday, July 28, 2023

Head of Unit, Meetings Support, Documentation, Translation and Interpretation (MSDTI)

Country: Ethiopia
Organization: Organisation of Southern Cooperation
Closing date: 31 Aug 2023

The OSC: The Organisation of Southern Cooperation (OEC) is an international intergovernmental organisation, founded in January 2020 by countries from across the Global South, to “contribute to the equitable, just, and prosperous social transformation of societies by promoting balanced and inclusive education, in order to attain the fundamental rights to liberty, justice, dignity, sustainability, social cohesion, and material and immaterial security for the peoples of the world”.

The main functions of the Bureau of General Assembly and Logistics Management (GALM) are to:

A. Provide meetings organisation and documentation support to the General Assembly, the Council of Member States, and the Conference of Associate Members in their ordinary and extraordinary sessions;

B. Support the President of the General Assembly in the discharge of their duties;

C. Provide meetings organisation and documentation support to the conferences and international meetings convened by the Secretariat.

Role Summary:

Location: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Grade: Technical Staff-T3

Under the authority and direct supervision of the Assistant Secretary-General (ASG) for GALM, the incumbent is responsible for the overall management, supervision, and administration of the Unit of Meetings Support, Documentation, Translation and Interpretation (MSDTI) as well as oversee the documentation and logistical support to the Organisation’s international meetings, conferences, workshops, seminars, so on.

In this context, the incumbent, under the direct supervision of the ASG for GALM and as necessary, in close coordination with his/her counterparts in other Departments, provides meetings organization and documentation, translation/interpretation support to the events of the Organisation.

The MSDTI’s key role is to support in preparing for and conducting OSC meetings and conferences in and outside Addis Ababa/Ethiopia. MSDTI services include meetings assistance, documents distribution and providing translation and interpretation.

  • MSDTI is in charge of meeting room co-ordination, documents categorization, classification, distribution and reproduction.


  • Supports the supervisor in the performance of his/her duties;
  • Establishes document control procedures and standards and organizes and assigns work to Unit staff, revises the completed work of the Unit staff before presenting them to the supervisor;
  • Follows up on translation and/or editing and reproduction of documents; distributes documents to participants in meetings; maintain the OSC Delegates Website;
  • Provides input into and ensures the selection and compilation of terminological material and the setting of terminology standards;
  • Ensures the preparation of meeting rooms for formal and informal meetings:
  • Arranges for flags, name plates; informs technicians of requirements (screens, sound system, microphones, electronic networks);
  • Ensures timely availability of documents to participants and interpreters;
  • Provides interpreters with background information on the topic under review;
  • Supervises and co-ordinates temporary staff including local support staff for meetings in and outside Addis Ababa;
  • Ensures that the organizational modalities of the various meetings comply with instructions given by the supervisor;
  • Makes sure that the minutes of the meetings are drafted accurately and efficiently;
  • Ensures efficient coordination and administration of the Unit’s daily work covering meetings support, documentation, translation and interpretation;
  • Any other duty to be assigned by the supervisor.


  • Demonstrated professional competence and expertise in event organisation, documentation, translation and interpretation services preferably in international and/or multilateral settings;
  • Strong oral and written communication skills;
  • Ability to operate effectively in a professional environment;
  • Ability to co-operate effectively with people of different national and cultural backgrounds;
  • Ability to withstand and work effectively in stressful situation


  • A minimum of six years of relevant professional experience, preferably also covering the area of event planning, meetings assistant, documentation, translation and interpretation;
  • Knowledge of computer applications particularly Microsoft Office programs like word, power point, excel, and e-mail and meeting setting programs;
  • Accuracy in compiling and maintaining lists particularly for the purposes of document distribution.

Language Requirements

  • Candidate must at least be fluent in English and in another official language of the OSCE (French, Arabic, Spanish).
  • Additional knowledge of one or more of other official languages would be an asset.

How to apply

Send your Resume and Cover Letter to:

  • Subject: Job Title

This position is based in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and open to international applicants. (Applications South America and Asia Pacific highly encouraged).

Female Candidates are strongly encouraged to apply.

Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis. Position open until filled.

from ReliefWeb - Jobs

Thursday, July 27, 2023

USAID/Niger Senior Advisor Democracy, Rights, Governance, and Conflict (DRGC)

Country: United States of America
Organization: International Business & Technical Consultants, Inc.
Closing date: 27 Aug 2023

About Us

International Business & Technical Consultants, Inc. (IBTCI), a U.S. based international development consulting company established in 1987, has worked in over one hundred countries and implemented over three hundred projects. IBTCI serves government agencies, private sector companies and several donor agencies. IBTCI specializes in Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) across many sectors including, but not limited to, conflict and crisis, democracy and governance, economic growth, education, environment, and global health.

Job Title: Senior Advisor Democracy, Rights, Governance, and Conflict (DRGC)

Department/Location: USAID/Niger, Democracy, Rights, Governance, and Conflict Office

Reports To: ISPI Project Manager

Type: Consultancy, 100 days, o/a July - October (critical period for availability: July-August)

Classification: Consultant

Clearance Required: Secret


In August 2020, USAID swore in its first Niger Mission Director in 24 years, transitioning the USAID Limited Presence Country Office to a USAID Mission located in Niamey, Niger.

The recently approved 2022-2027 Country Development Cooperation Strategy for Niger guides USAID’s annual budget of approximately $200 million, half of which is humanitarian assistance. USAID programs focus on youth and women with activities in good governance, rule of law, countering violent extremism, conflict prevention and mitigation, health, education, water and land management, community resilience to natural disasters and man-made shocks, food security, and agriculture and economic growth. The Democracy, Rights, Governance, and Conflict (DRGC) portfolio contributes primarily to the DO 1: Communities Strengthened, Empowered, and More Resilient and DO 3: Performance and Responsiveness of Government Institutions Improved.

On behalf of USAID/Niger, IBTCI seeks a highly motivated and experienced technical officer in DRGC programming to provide Short-term Technical Assistance (STTA) in program design, implementation, program management, planning, and evaluation during a period of staff transitions. In close collaboration with the Mission Director, the consultant serving as the Senior Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance Advisor will help lead the USAID Niger Mission DRGC Office. They will serve as an expert and help lead on a range of subjects such as local governance, transparency, justice and human rights, civil society, elections and political processes, and conflict prevention.


Essential Duties/Tasks and Responsibilities:

The STTA advisor will help oversee the existing activities in the Democracy, Rights and Governance / Conflict in the DRGC portfolio and several critical new procurements underway for expanded and new activities. They will assist with the management of existing activities in the DRGC portfolio, mentor new AORs, and support the team in design and preparation of new procurement packages and technical review associated with ongoing procurement actions. The individual will help to ensure that these activities contribute to strategic priorities, are effectively implemented in the field and in accordance with the USAID contract/agreement and the approved annual work plan. They will contribute to overall program management, regular and ad hoc reporting, and office administration. They will coordinate with other USAID Niger technical offices, including Health, Agriculture/Economic Growth, Education, and Humanitarian Assistance on cross-sectoral DRGC issues, as well as liaise with the regional USAID West Africa mission in Accra, the Sahel Regional Office in Dakar, other USAID units, and U.S. Embassy Niamey as needed. They will help advise on project design, planning and implementation, monitoring and evaluation, financial supervision, and other complex issues. They will help maintain working relations with implementing partners and ensure normal functioning of the USAID DRGC programs in Niger in the absence of the designated officer.

NOTE: The consultant will not perform other inherently governmental functions or duties (e.g. will not serve as AOR/COR or supervise staff), but rather will advise, mentor, and facilitate as appropriate on the performance of inherently governmental functions on the part of the Niger Mission.


  • Contribute to award oversight and draft work plan review of the Resilient Governance in Niger (RGN) activity, including Crisis Modifier and Complex Crisis Fund expansion;
  • Oversee Complex Crisis Fund evaluation planning and contracting with the DRG Center;
  • Oversee completion of RFA technical review and procurement documents for award of the New People-to-People (P2P) Reconciliation Fund activity in coordination with RAAO, DRGC staff and CVP;
  • Oversee/advance completion of Program Description and procurement package for the award of a new Defending Democratic Elections (DDE) Fund activity in coordination with the DRG Center;
  • Oversee/advance PD drafting and procurement package completion of the cost and time modification of the Sahel Human Voice in Governance Activity (SHIGA) adding new Ukraine Supplemental funds and Nexus expansion;
  • Contribute to oversight of OFM financial review and draft work plan technical review of the Access to Justice and Human Rights “Adalci” activity;
  • Facilitate communications with RAAO Senegal and OAA specialist(s) as needed to advance procurement processes;
  • Prepare for and participate in weekly reporting for Senior Leadership Team, mission-wide updates, and Washington DC ad hoc requests (particularly in the absence of the DRGC Deputy Office Director);
  • Coordinate DRGC team contributions related to on-boarding of the anticipated new U.S. Ambassador to Niger;
  • Facilitate review/approvals of military projects with relevant technical offices per role of Mission Civil-Military Coordinator (MC2);
  • Other duties as assigned.


Minimum Requirements:

  • Seven (7) years relevant work experience.
  • An in-depth technical understanding of Democracy, Rights, Governance and Conflict programming and cross-sector applications, ideally within sub-Saharan Africa and the Sahel.
  • Familiarity with USG program design and USAID procurement processes from the technical office side for modification of existing awards and procurement of new awards.
  • Familiarity with project/program management and/or experience as an Agreement Officer's Representative (AOR).
  • Excellent writing skills and ability to write in a collaborative process; ability to meet deadlines.
  • Working knowledge of USAID-funded activity implementation documentation (cooperative agreement and grant documents, quarterly reports, evaluations, and field trip reports); and work plans, context monitoring and monitoring and evaluation plans.
  • Academic or practical knowledge of program monitoring and evaluation best practices and methodologies.
  • Ability to exercise broad individual judgment in supporting peace and governance priorities.
  • Ability to obtain Facilities Access clearance.
  • Oral and written fluency in English required.


  • Masters degree in a relevant field such as political science, law, public policy, etc.

Preferred Knowledge, Skills and Abilities:

  • Work experience with the U.S. Government or international development organization.
  • French language proficiency.
  • Ability to obtain a secret security clearance.

Working Environment: Work is typically performed in an office environment. The position is embedded within the USAID/Niger Mission.

COVID Vaccine status: As a condition of employment, IBTCI requires all new employees to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19. Candidates should be prepared to submit proof of COVID-19 vaccination upon hire or request for an accommodation with HR that is consistent with our COVID-19 safety protocols and policies.

Physical Requirements: This is largely a sedentary position that requires the ability to speak, hear, see, and lift small objects up to 20 lbs.

Supervisory Responsibility: This position may have supervisory responsibilities.

Travel: International travel may be required and may include travel to fragile and/or conflict-prone zones.

Work Authorization: Candidate must be authorized to work in the USA.

Please note this job description is not designed to cover or contain a comprehensive listing of activities, duties or responsibilities that are required of the employee for this job. Duties, responsibilities and activities may change at any time with or without notice.

About the Organization:

IBTCI has been in business since 1987. We specialize in Monitoring, Evaluation, Research & Learning (MERL), Institutional Support (IS), Financial & Risk Management (FRM), Supply Chain Management & Procurement (SCMP); Social & Behavior Change (SBC) and Capacity Building. We provide these services across many sectors including, but not limited to, agriculture, resilience & food security, conflict & crisis, democracy & governance, economic growth & trade, education & human capacity development, energy & infrastructure, environment & climate change, global health & WASH and humanitarian and disaster assistance. At IBTCI, our colleagues are encouraged to collaborate and be part of the solution while getting the tools and guidance needed to grow and support our clients' missions.

IBTCI is committed to a policy of equal employment opportunity for all persons without regard to race, color, religion, sex, gender identification, age, marital status, disability, sexual orientation, national origin, disabled veteran or Vietnam-era veteran, or any other classification protected by applicable anti-discrimination laws. We prohibit and do not tolerate any form of discrimination or harassment. VEVRAA Federal Contractor.

If you are an applicant with a disability that requires a reasonable accommodation to complete any part of the application process or are limited in the ability, or unable to use the online application system and need an alternative method for applying, you may contact the Talent Acquisition team at (Do not send your resume to this account, for consideration please apply in our career page,

How to apply

from ReliefWeb - Jobs

Wednesday, July 26, 2023


Country: France
Organization: Action contre la Faim France
Closing date: 25 Aug 2023

Créée en 1979, Action contre la Faim est une organisation non gouvernementale internationale qui lutte contre la faim dans le monde. Sa charte des principes humanitaires - indépendance, neutralité, non-discrimination, accès libre et direct aux victimes, professionnalisme, transparence - fonde son identité depuis plus de 40 ans. Sa mission est de sauver des vies en éliminant la faim par la prévention, la détection et le traitement de la sous-nutrition, en particulier pendant et après les situations d'urgence liées aux conflits et aux catastrophes naturelles. Action contre la Faim coordonne ses programmes autour de 5 domaines d'activités : Nutrition et Santé - Santé Mentale, Soutien Psychosocial et Protection - Sécurité Alimentaire et Moyens d'Existence - Eau, Assainissement et Hygiène - Plaidoyer. En 2021, Action contre la Faim est venue en aide à plus de 25 millions de personnes dans 46 pays à travers le monde.


Sous la supervision du Coordinateur réhabilitation électrique du pôle Energie, tu auras pour but de contribuer à l'étude d'amélioration d'outils et de documentations de dimensionnement du système solaire. Plus précisément, tes missions seront les suivantes :
Conception d'un outil de dimensionnement solaire et hybride
- Tu contribueras à l'amélioration de l'outil via l'ajout de créneaux horaires d'utilisation des équipements permettant de réaliser le calcul du besoin
- Tu participeras à l'ajouts de profils supplémentaires (Bureau, Guest House, Centre de santé,...) avec des horaires fixes d'utilisation de l'installation solaire pour créer des courbes de charges et avoir un dimensionnement adapté en fonction des périodes consommations
- Tu participeras également à l'ajout de différents types de système solaire (Grid tied sans batteries, back up batterie seulement, système solaire hybride, système solaire autonome,...)
- Tu seras amené·e à ajouter une estimation du coût système solaire et ROI ainsi qu'une option de calcul de retour carbone et énergétique théorique

Réalisation d'outils documentaire d'installation et de maintenance d'équipements solaire
- Tu contribueras à la réalisation et mises à jour des fiches mémos sur le contrôle d'une installation solaire accessibles à des non techniciens
- Tu participeras à la réalisation de kit solaire de différentes tailles avec détails et estimations budgétaire selon les pays / régions cibles
- Tu efecctueras une mise à jour des gammes de maintenance avec détails des opérations à réaliser pour les techniciens ou non-technicien

Réalisation des formations associés sur les outils et système solaire
- Tu participeras à la réalisation de formation à l'utilisation de l'outils à nos techniciens énergie mission
- Tu participeras à la réalisation d'une documentation d'utilisation de l'outil de dimensionnement solaire


Issu d'une école d'ingénieur dans l'énergie ou d'une formation diplômante en technicien supérieur spécialisé dans les installation solaires, tu es reconnu·e pour tes bonnes capacités rédactionnelles et organisationnelles, ton autonomie et ta curiosité. De plus, le Pack Office et surtout Excel n'a plus aucun secret pour toi !
Puisque nous sommes dans un contexte international et que tes interlocuteurs seront divers, il est indispensable que tu aies une très bonne maîtrise de l'anglais, à l'écrit comme à l'oral.
La maîtrise du logiciel Power BI est un plus.


Condition Obligatoire : Avoir une convention de stage délivrée par un établissement scolaire de droit français
Durée du Stage : 6 mois
Lieu : Montreuil (Seine-Saint-Denis)
Conditions Salariales :
- Stage indemnisé à hauteur de la gratification horaire minimale légale (sur une base de 35h par semaine)
- 21 jours de RTT (proratisé au temps de présence dans l'organisation)
- Jours d'absence pour examen, recherche universitaire, etc.
- Transport : Prise en charge à 50% du forfait entre le domicile et le lieu de travail
- Titres-restaurant : Prise en charge à 60% par l'association pour une valeur de 8EUR
- 175EUR/an (oeuvres sociales) et réduction sur les tickets de cinéma
Conditions Particulières et Aptitudes : Station assise prolongée, expression orale, travail sur écran, contacts téléphoniques
Télétravail : Ouvert à tou·te·s et depuis le territoire métropolitain, notre politique de télétravail définie les activités du poste nécessitant un temps de présence impératif au siège de l'association, et te permet de choisir d'exercer pleinement ou en partie le reste de ce temps en télétravail. A cet effet, il n'y a pas de jours présentiels définis pour ce stage. Des temps de présence au siège seront également dédiés au partage collectif : 3 jours par mois en moyenne pour les réunions et événements collectifs et 2 jours de présence obligatoire les 6 premières semaines lors de ton intégration dans l'équipe.
ACF s'engage pour les personnes en situation de handicap et lutte activement contre toutes les formes de discrimination.

How to apply

Pour postuler, cliquez sur ce lien / To apply, please click on this following link : apply here

from ReliefWeb - Jobs


Country: Afghanistan
Organization: Action contre la Faim France
Closing date: 25 Aug 2023

Created in 1979, Action contre la Faim is a non-governmental organization that fights against hunger. Its charter of humanitarian principals- independence, neutrality, non-discrimination, free and direct access to victims, professionalism, transparency - has been part of its identity for more than 40 years. Its mission is to save lives by eliminating hunger through the prevention, detection and treatment of under-nutrition, particularly during and after emergency situations linked to conflicts or natural disasters. Action contre la Faim focuses its actions on 5 main areas of expertise: Nutrition and Health - Mental Health, Psychosocial Support and Protection - Food Security and Livelihoods - Water, Sanitation and Hygiene - Advocacy. In 2021, Action contre la Faim provided aid to 25 million people in more than 46 countries worldwide.


Under the overall strategic direction of the Deputy Country Director and the Country Director, you will be a key member of the Senior Management Team, contributing to the development and implementation of the overall Field Program activities and coordinate ACF overall interventions in concerned field province.
More precisely:
- You contribute to ACF country strategy development and implementation at field level by designing, implementing and updating the country strategy and representating ACF to external stakeholders.
- You coordinate overall implementation of programs both in Health, Nutrition, WASH, Food Security, Livelihoods, ERM programs, Gender... You are also responsible of ensuring synergy between technical and support teams, and ensuring that ACF processes and rules are respected.
- You manage the team through base meetings, recruitment, trainings, monitoring the social climate and working environment and preventing frauds and abuses of power.
- You facilitate good relationships with the coordination team by updating them on program implementation, being a facilitator between the field and the capital and piloting the follow-up on technical and support departments' recommendations.
- You manage security and access by monitoring the security environment, managing all security incidents at base level and reporting them to the Country Director and participating in access negotiations.


You hold a degree in related humanitarian issue, for example a Master in International Relations, Development Studies or related technical discipline relevant for ACF programs.
You have a significant experience with INGOs and a previous experience with ACF will be an asset. With at least 5 years of experience in similar position, you have an experience in proposal development and knowledge with donors' guidelines and procedures (ECHO, UNICEF, DFID, OFDA, etc.) with excellent management skills (HR, projects, stress management). Previous experiences as Field Coordinator and in insecure settings are strongly preferred.
You are multi tasks, organized, diplomatic, autonomous with excellent written skills and you are fluent in English, then you really should apply to this position!


- 12 months of fixed-term contract under French law (for international candidates) or Afghan law (for national candidates)
- Remuneration according to ACF's policy

ACF is committed to people with disabilities and actively fights against all forms of discrimination.

How to apply

Pour postuler, cliquez sur ce lien / To apply, please click on this following link : apply here

from ReliefWeb - Jobs

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Travel & Operations Officer - Remote

Country: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Organization: Mary's Meals
Closing date: 3 Aug 2023

We are delighted to be recruiting an experienced Travel Officer deliver all aspects of travel at Mary’s Meals International (MMI). This is an excellent opportunity to have a positive impact on the success of the Mary’s Meals movement through effective coordination of travel arrangements for MMI and Affiliates in partnership with our approved travel agency. You will provide travel advice and guidance to colleagues across the organisation and help them plan high quality visits to programme affiliates for employees, volunteers, supporters, and other visitors. You will also provide support to the Operations team and Engagement Coordinators as and when required.

Other key responsibilities include:

  • Ensure the MMI Travel Policy is communicated to, and adhered to, by all travellers.
  • Assist the line manager and fellow team members when required and provide support in managing travel arrangements and other supplementary tasks relating to staff inquiries across Mary’s Meals.
  • Develop effective working relationships with MMI’s appointed travel provider to ensure that we are providing a high-quality service to all travellers.
  • Develop guidance that will support the introduction of a self-service booking process for routine bookings
  • Ensure routings and fare types represent best value and are in accordance with Mary’s Meals policies and procedures.
  • Organise any essential travel documentation such as visas.
  • Provide advice and guidance to colleagues across the movement to help them plan and coordinate effective itineraries. This will include providing advice on visa applications, routings, travel times etc.
  • Support the Travel Manager in developing internal guidance, support, and training materials for travellers, making bookings and providing holiday cover.
  • Oversee group travel processes to ensure that each trip is curated to meet the needs of the travellers.
  • Effectively liaise with colleagues from across MMI and the rest of the Mary’s Meals family to ensure that all aspects of travel are taken into consideration, such as travel health, safety, security and insurance.
  • Provide support to the Head of Growth Operations to cover additional tasks in the Growth Operations team and cover for other team members as and when required. This will include responding to general enquiries via the shared mailbox, Facebook messenger, the ‘Hello’ mailbox and website-generated ‘contact us’ enquiries as and when required.

With proven travel administration or coordination experience, you will bring strong organisational skills and the ability to multi-task and to work effectively under pressure and to deadlines. Excellent attention to detail and communication skills are also essential for this role. Approachable and enthusiastic, you will have experience of providing high quality customer service and the ability to build good working relationships with internal and external contacts at all levels. You will be required to demonstrate flexibility and be proactive in your approach to achieve success, using your own initiative but with the support of the wider team and organisation. You will have good IT skills including the ability to competently use Microsoft Outlook, Word, Excel, Teams and PowerPoint. Ideally, you will have a relevant degree and/or equivalent experience in Travel Management, although this is not essential.

You will demonstrate commitment and enthusiasm to the work of Mary’s Meals and its vision, mission and values, through the quality and standard of all work, and you will have the ability to represent and promote Mary’s Meals International.

Mary’s Meals is a global movement supported by people from all walks of life and we are focused on one goal – that every child receives a nutritious daily meal in a place of education. Today, we provide life-changing meals to more than 2.4 million children in 18 countries around the world. We offer more than just a job; we offer the opportunity to support our global movement in a dynamic and inclusive environment.

We are a values-driven organisation, we believe in the innate goodness of people, respect the dignity of every human being and family life and believe in good stewardship of the resources entrusted to us.

We have a remote-first approach to work and are happy for you to work remotely and flexibly, in a way that best supports your work life balance, we also have an office near Glasgow city centre for those who live nearby and would like to work from here occasionally or on a regular basis.

Mary’s Meals is committed to preventing any type of unwanted behaviour at work and we expect all the Mary's Meals family to share this commitment and work in the best interest of the communities we serve. Our safe recruitment practices ensure that only those that are committed to our high standards join our movement.

This is a fantastic role where your daily work has real impact. If you are looking for more from your role and our mission, vision and values resonate with you, then we would love to hear from you.

How to apply

Travel & Operations Officer - Remote - Mary's Meals International (

from ReliefWeb - Jobs

Coordinador de Salud Comunitaria Bogotá,Tunja. Lic. Maternidad - Profesional Enfermería/ Áreas Sociales (ONG)

Country: Colombia
Organization: Medical Teams International
Closing date: 2 Aug 2023

Objetivo del Rol:

El Coordinador(a) de salud de comunitaria (CHW) supervisará el Programa de Voluntariado de Salud Comunitaria que será implementado por el Medical Teams International en respuesta a la crisis migratoria venezolana en Colombia.

Esta posición es responsable de la fuerte coordinación de todas las actividades de participación y proyecto a nivel de la comunidad, y de trabajar con el Coordinador de Fortalecimiento de los sistemas de salud (HSS) para asegurar vínculos eficientes con los servicios clínicos ofertados por Medical Teams International .

El Coordinador (a) de salud de comunitaria (CHW) también apoya los esfuerzos de coordinación con otros actores locales, asegura relaciones sólidas con los líderes comunitarios y responde a cualquier riesgo de seguridad u otros riesgos en el trabajo de Medical Teams.

Deberes Esenciales:

  • Promoverla vocación y los valores del MTI.
  • Supervisar el programa de Salud Comunitaria en las ciudades de Tunja y Bogotá (CHW) y todas sus actividades en las comunidades priorizadas, incluyendo las actividades de los voluntarios comunitarios (CHV), supervisores de Voluntarios, las capacitaciones para CHV y la coordinación de actividades de derivación a proyectos aliados de Medical Teams.
  • Implementar estrategias de participación comunitaria con la población objetivo que promuevan el logro de metas en promoción de la salud e integración de la población migrante y la población de acogida según el marco lógico del programa
  • Asegurarse de que se satisfagan todas las necesidades logísticas y financieras del programa CHV y siga las pautas de la FOM, incluidas gestión y rendición de cuentas adecuadas de los equipos, pagos y suministros proporcionados a las CHV.
  • Mantener la garantía de calidad y el cumplimiento de los protocolos de CHV asegurando el cumplimiento de los estándares del Ministerio de Salud locales e internacionales.
  • Asegurarse de que la recopilación de datos cumpla con los requisitos del programa y de que todas las actividades estén debidamente documentadas.
  • Asegurar que los supervisores realicen un seguimiento y evaluación adecuados de los CHV y que se puedan informar los resultados y el impacto del programa.
  • Gestionar la extracción de datos y el análisis de los datos enviados por el programa CHV.
  • Asegúrese de que los supervisores de CHV compilen periódicamente informes técnicos y de progreso de las actividades de CHV.
  • Coordinar y supervisar todas las actividades de recopilación de datos a nivel comunitario, incluida la gestión de enumeradores.
  • Evaluar, diseñar e implementar la capacitación adecuada para equipar y fortalecer los conocimientos y habilidades del personal de CHV, incluyendo gestión de seguridad adecuada (garantizar que los CHV se adhieran a las directrices de seguridad en el sitio y cuando viajen a ubicaciones de CHW).
  • Garantizar la protección de los participantes y empleados del programa mediante la promoción de un entorno de concienciación y el cumplimiento de las disposiciones del código de conducta de las políticas de protección de equipos médicos contra la explotación y el abuso sexuales, protección de niños y adultos vulnerables y políticas laborales libres de acoso.

Otros Deberes

  • Contribuir al desarrollo presupuestario del programa CHV
  • Apoyo a los supervisores de CHV para observar las regulaciones y procedimientos de la FOM
  • Participar en comités y representación externa según se requiera
  • Representar a MTI en reuniones o grupos según sea necesario
  • Otro según demanda del programa

Educación, Certificaciones


  • Enfermero Profesional, Especialista en carreras enfocadas a la Salud Pública o campo relevante
  • Certificación acreditada por Instituciones reconocidas por el Ministerio de Educación
  • Profesional de ciencias sociales (Psicólogo, sociólogo, Trabajador Social, Antropólogo o relacionados)
  • Certificación Rethus Vigente


  • Experiencia mínima de tres años en puestos similares, especialmente en el sector de ONG internacionales
  • Experiencia en Sistema Nacional de Salud
  • Experiencia trabajando para proyectos relacionados con el Sector Salud Pública, Programas de salud comunitaria y proyectos con estrategias de participación comunitaria

Conocimientos, Competencias, Habilidades


  • Amplios conocimientos del Sistema de Salud Colombiano
  • Conocimiento demostrable en enfoques del programa CHW
  • Conocimiento de enfoques participativos de salud comunitaria
  • Conocimiento de los enfoques participativos de formación de TSC
  • Amplio conocimiento de los cambios de comportamiento en la Salud y sus enfoques
  • El conocimiento intermedio de inglés será una ventaja.


  • Experiencia profesional significativa de trabajo en el nivel de supervisión de TSC para una ONG internacional, el gobierno o el sector privado.
  • Fuerte compromiso con el desarrollo de capacidades del personal nacional y los socios con voluntad de adoptar enfoques participativos y consultivos.
  • Competencia en manejo de datos básicos y análisis epidemiológico.
  • Experiencia en análisis e informes de datos.
  • Habilidades de redacción de informes Técnicos
  • Habilidades interpersonales y de comunicación altamente desarrolladas que incluyen influencia, negociación y coaching.
  • Conciencia cultural altamente desarrollada y capacidad para trabajar bien en un entorno internacional, estresante y sensible a la seguridad con personas de diversos orígenes y culturas.
  • Orientado a resultados, con la capacidad de desafiar las mentalidades existentes.
  • Gestión de proyectos hasta su finalización satisfactoria.
  • Manejo de herramientas Microsoft Outlook, Word, Excel Power Point y software de base de datos


  • Capacidad para trabajar de forma cooperativa en un entorno de equipo.
  • Capacidad para priorizar tareas
  • Capacidad para acoger y promover el llamado de MTI
  • Capacidad para defender y ejemplificar los valores fundamentales de la organización.
  • Capacidad para representar a la organización de manera profesional ante donantes, voluntarios y el público.
  • Capacidad para trabajar fuera de horario cuando corresponda
  • Capacidad para viajar en el país y en el extranjero si corresponde

How to apply

Los interesados ​​que cumplan con los requisitos descritos en la presente descripción de cargo, pueden realizar su postulación (CV Y Carta de presentación indispensable) vía correo electrónico utilizando la siguiente dirección, antes de finalizar el día 02 de agosto de 2023 , es indispensable indicar en el asunto el cargo al que aplica y la fuente en donde usted conoció de la convocatoria .

Medical Teams no discrimina en sus procesos de selección, sin embargo, se recomienda que personas con experiencia vivida en el proceso migratorio, así como de diversa procedencia, postulen para este cargo, si cuentan con la documentación legal correspondiente para trabajar en nuestro país, también es un valor agregado indispensable que mínimo el candidato domina el Idioma español y un valor agregado el idioma Inglés.

from ReliefWeb - Jobs

Monday, July 24, 2023

Information Management officer

Country: Türkiye
Organization: Muzun for Humanitarian and Development
Closing date: 28 Jul 2023

Title: Information Management Officer

Reporting Line: Project Manager

Duty Station: Turkey Gaziantep - Full Time

Muzun for Humanitarian & Development (MHD) is a civil society and Non-for-profit Organization registered in Gaziantep, Turkey, since 2015. We are dedicated to providing relief and non-relief assistance inside the whole of Syria. MHD was founded by professional humanitarian workers engaged in the Syrian humanitarian response, coming from the communities affected by the conflict. We have set up this organization in order to support fellow Syrians on their way out of vulnerability, providing assistance to maintain their resilience and to help them coping with the challenging conflict environment. In our work, we focus on the most vulnerable people of the society, including, but not limited to: women, children, elderly, and persons with special needs. As a grassroots organization, our work is community-led, locally owned and sustainable. We aim to support pre-existing structures where possible and embed our assistance in a self-sustaining development trajectory. MHD operates all across Syria, currently focusing on Aleppo governorate (A’zaz, Jarablus, Al Baba and Western countryside), Idleb, Hama Countryside, Daraa and Qunaitera Governorates. Additionally, Muzun is working as a third-party contractor in a big network of stakeholders dedicated to the Syrian humanitarian response, providing support in Data Assessment and Quality Assurance amongst others. Muzun aims to use this network for cooperating and coordinating humanitarian assistance, providing the best synergetic effects possible for the people in need.*

Job purpose

The overall role of the Information Management Officer(IMO) is to ensure that information required to support humanitarian operations and projects is collected, organized and distributed to all stakeholders. Building data collection and analysis tools and preparing monthly reports, Provide all updates and changes to the Project manager

Duties and responsibilities

  1. Implement and regularly update the Information Management Strategy and the Dissemination Plan for all information management
  2. Design necessary data collection forms, ensuring that the purpose and use of data collected are clear and that questions are simple, clear and collectible.
  3. Organize and manage data input from data collection forms and conduct an initial analysis of the data
  4. Based on the data collected, conduct needs and gap identification for the relevant sector
  5. Develop an information-sharing platform as a web-portal.
  6. Perform advisory and technical assignments in the use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS).
  7. Organize and maintain GIS data in accordance with the data management organization protocols.
  8. Update 4W matrix with information and data from the relevant sector.
  9. Identify appropriate secondary data and information resources.
  10. Provide information management services to support IDPs data management activities including their estimation, information flows from established systems, movement tracking, standard-setting, and dissemination
  11. Provide new update concerning information management issues to programme Coordinator.

Required qualifications

  1. Bachelor’s degree in international relations, social sciences, economics, administration, or other related field ·
  2. Professional technical experience matching the above-mentioned duties and responsibilities, especially the CCCM projects .
  3. A minimum of 3 years of humanitarian field experience.
  4. Good report writing skills
  5. Relevant educational background and data analysis knowledge
  6. Good experience on information programs
  7. Knowledge and understanding of the complexity related to refugee and IDP situations.
  8. Good time management skills, ability to multi-task and set priorities
  9. Good management and leadership skills
  10. Proficiency in Arabic languages, English is obligatory
  11. Valid legal papers (identity - residence - Turkish identity)


  1. A strong believer in human rights and values of freedom and justice.
  2. Experience in working with Syrian activists’ groups.
  3. Proactive with good communication skills. Ability to work within team and under pressure.
  4. Good time management skills, ability to multi-task and set priorities
  5. Adherence to MHD Code of Conduct , safeguarding policy and internationally accepted humanitarian principles

******obligated not to practice sexual exploitation and abuse, in exchange for the services they provide, in addition to assuming their responsibilities to protect children from harm and abuse and to ensure a safe environment for them, and to work to create a safe work environment for everyone free from any form of harassment, abuse, exploitation or misconduct during work that diminishes the dignity and safety of the volunteer or employee.

How to apply

To apply for this vacancy, please fill the form listed below and upload your CV

the deadline is on 28, July ,2023

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

from ReliefWeb - Jobs

Diagnostic Radio-Sonographer

Country: Kenya
Organization: Christian Health Association of Kenya
Closing date: 31 Jul 2023

AIC Githumu Mission Hospital is looking for qualified candidate to fill the position of:

Diagnostic Radio-Sonographer-1 Post

Duties and Responsibilities

  • Assess patients and their clinical requirements to establish which radiographic techniques to use;
  • Perform a range of radiographic examinations on patients to produce high-quality images;
  • Produce reports so that the correct treatment can be given;
  • Take responsibility for radiation safety in your work area, including checking equipment for malfunctions and errors;
  • Manage referrals to ensure patients receive a radiation dose as low as reasonably possible;
  • Supervise visiting staff and patients in radiation work areas;
  • Help in more complex radiological examinations, working with doctors such as radiologists and surgeons;
  • Provide support and reassurance to patients, taking into account their physical and psychological needs;
  • Supervise radiography and imaging support assistants;
  • Perform a wide range of ultrasound investigations in the facility on patients including doppler ultrasound.
  • Keep up to date with health and safety guidelines, including ionizing radiation regulations, to protect yourself and others.

Required Competencies

  • Good communication skills.
  • Team player.
  • Experience with using a computerized system added advantage.


  • Diploma (Higher Diploma) in Medical Imaging Sciences from recognized and registered Medical Institution.
  • Must be registered and licensed by the Radiation Protection Board of Kenya.
  • 2 years working experience in a busy medical institution.
  • Excellent knowledge of techniques in general and specialized Radio diagnostics and ultrasound
  • Excellent computer skills in Hospital Information System (HIS), Radiology Information System (RIS) and ability to work with minimum supervision.
  • Good public relations and communication skills.
  • Previous experience in CR (Computerized Radiography) and Ultrasonography is an added advantage.
  • Experience with using a computerized system added advantage.

How to apply

Applications should be addressed to:

The Director,

AIC Githumu Mission Hospital,

P.O Box 238-10218


Applications must reach the Director by 31st of July 2023 by 5pm through email on

from ReliefWeb - Jobs

Organic Production Systems Officer

Country: Fiji
Organization: Pacific Community
Closing date: 20 Aug 2023


The Pacific Community (SPC) is the principal scientific and technical organisation in the Pacific region, supporting development since 1947. We are an international development organisation owned and governed by our 27 country and territory members. In pursuit of sustainable development to benefit Pacific people, our organisation works across more than 25 sectors. We are known for our knowledge and innovation in such areas as fisheries science, public health, geoscience, and conservation of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture.

The Land Resources Division (LRD) which provides effective expert scientific advice, capacity building and services on conservation, development and utilization of plant genetic resources, forest and landscape management, resilient agricultural systems, diversification of livelihood strategies and access to markets to maintain ecosystem services and improve land productivity and the food, nutrition security and resilience of Pacific communities. This mission is realized through four main thematic work areas, or pillars, and a progressively integrated approach to programming that works towards achieving SPC’s development goals. This position is under the Pacific Organics and ethical trade community (POETCom) within the Markets for Livelihood Pillar whose work is focused on building resilient farm families to ensure food and nutritional security through improving availability, access, utilization and quality of food supplies in both rural and urban areas.

The Organic Production Systems Officer will advise and assist organic growers and farmers groups to improve production and comply with requirements for organic certification, coordinate production for markets, and develop value chains.

The key responsibilities of the role include the following:

Capacity Building for third party Organic and Participatory Guarantee System [PGS] using the Pacific Organic Standard [POS]

  • Develop and conduct training and advice to businesses and farmers in POETCom Project Countries and as requested by Farmers Groups.
  • Maintain training materials and ensure that it is up to date.
  • Ensure ongoing PGS strengthening for established PGS groups.

Ongoing support of POETCom PGS groups and organic stakeholders

  • Represent POETCom, LRD and SPC to promote the organic movement in the Pacific.
  • Facilitate knowledge sharing events and communication among PGS groups.
  • Initiate and advance National Organic Policy development.

Membership Services and Engagement

  • Lead membership participation on POETCom Activities.
  • Promote new membership and assist with current members as needed.
  • Link POETCom members to funding opportunities.

Technical Assistance for POETCom Stakeholders

  • Research, curate, and train Organic best Practices.
  • Integrate organic concepts throughout LRD projects and activities.

For a more detailed account of the key responsibilities, please refer to the online job description.

Key selection criteria


  • A tertiary degree in tropical agriculture or similar field.
  • Training in organic certification and tropical agriculture.

Technical expertise

  • Extensive 5-6 years relevant experience working with organic production.
  • Demonstrated experience with traditional Pacific agriculture systems.
  • Relevant work experience with certification systems/processes.
  • Understands key challenges and constraints impeding Pacific Islands access to organic value chains.
  • Experience in supporting the development of policy and provision of technical advice and support through an NGO or farmer support association.
  • Demonstrated experience in developing funding and resource proposals, raising funds, and identifying opportunities to develop strategic partnerships including experience in project design and management.

Language skills

  • Excellent English communication skills (oral and written), with a focus on clarity.

Interpersonal skills and cultural awareness

  • Ability to work in a multicultural, inclusive and equitable environment.

Salary, terms and conditions

Contract Duration – Until 30 June 2024 – subject to renewal depending on funding and performance.

Remuneration – The Organic Production Systems Officeris a Band 9 position in SPC’s 2023 salary scale, with a starting salary range of 2,284‒2,856 SDR (special drawing rights) per month, which currently converts to approximately FJD 6,739–8,424 (USD 3,061–3,826; EUR 2,900–3,625). An offer of appointment for an initial contract will normally be made in the lower half of this range, with due consideration given to experience and qualifications. Progression within the salary scale will be based on annual performance reviews. Remuneration of expatriate SPC staff members are not subject to income tax in Fiji; Fiji nationals employed by SPC in Fiji will be subject to income tax.

Benefits for international employees based in Fiji – SPC provides a housing allowance of FJD 1,350–3,000 per month. Establishment and repatriation grant, removal expenses, airfares, home leave travel, health and life and disability insurances and education allowances are available for eligible employees and their eligible dependents. Employees are entitled to 25 working days of annual leave per annum and other types of leave, and access to SPC’s Provident Fund (contributing 8% of salary, to which SPC adds a matching contribution).

Languages – SPC’s working languages are English and French.

Recruitment principles – SPC’s recruitment is based on merit and fairness, and candidates are competing in a selection process that is fair, transparent and non-discriminatory. SPC is an equal-opportunity employer, and is committed to cultural and gender diversity, including bilingualism, and will seek to attract and appoint candidates who respect these values. Due attention is given to gender equity and the maintenance of strong representation from Pacific Island professionals. If two interviewed candidates are ranked equal by the selection panel, preference will be given to the Pacific Islander. Applicants will be assured of complete confidentiality in line with SPC’s Privacy Policy.

How to apply

Application procedure

Closing Date: 20 August 2023 at 11:59pm (Fiji time)

Job Reference: JM000454

Applicants must apply online at

Hard copies of applications will not be accepted.

For your application to be considered, you must provide us with:

  • an updated resume with contact details for three professional referees
  • a cover letter detailing your skills, experience, and interest in this position
  • responses to all screening questions

Your application will be considered incomplete and will not be reviewed at shortlisting stage if all the above documents are not provided. Applicants should not attach copies of qualifications or letters of reference. Please ensure your documents are in Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF format.

For international staff in Fiji, only one foreign national per family can be employed with an entity operating in Fiji at any one given time. SPC may assist on a case-by-case basis with submissions to Fiji Ministry of Foreign Affairs for their consideration and final approval. SPC cannot and does not make any guarantee whatsoever of approval for such applications to Fiji Ministry of Foreign Affairs and where an application is approved, the spouse or partner will subject to such terms and conditions as may be set from time to time by the Ministry.

SPC does not charge a fee to consider your application and will never ask for your banking or financial information during the recruitment process.

Screening Questions (maximum of 2,000 characters per question):

  1. Please describe your experience and understanding of, and potential for, the sustainable and organic agriculture movements in the Pacific.
  2. Please describe your experience in building a network or community of practice. What are the challenges, and please describe a situation where you worked through challenges to build a common vision.
  3. What do you foresee as the main challenges to succeed in this position, and how will you manage these challenges?

from ReliefWeb - Jobs

Technical Analyst

Country: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Organization: Social Development Direct Closing date: 3 Oct 2023 About the ...