Sunday, August 13, 2023

State Facilitator

Country: Nigeria
Organization: CTG
Closing date: 21 Aug 2023

CTG overview:

  • CTG staff and support humanitarian projects in fragile and conflict-affected countries around the world, providing a rapid and cost-effective service for development and humanitarian missions. With past performance in 17 countries – from the Middle East, Africa, Europe, and Asia, we have placed more than 20,000 staff all over the world since operations began in 2006.
  • CTG recruits, deploys and manages the right people with the right skills to implement humanitarian and development projects, from cleaners to obstetricians, and mechanics to infection specialists, we’re skilled in emergency response to crises such as the Ebola outbreak in West Africa. Key to successful project delivery is the ability to mobilise at speed; CTG can source and deploy anyone, anywhere, in less than 2 weeks and have done so in 48 hours on a number of occasions.
  • Through our efficient and agile HR, logistical and operational services, CTG saves multilateral organisations time and money. We handle all our clients’ HR related issues, so they are free to focus on their core services.
  • Visit to find out more

Overview of position:

  • Since 2014, our client & UNFPA, in partnership with government & other partners, implemented the joint program on the elimination of FGM in 5 states namely, Osun (45.9%), Ebonyi (53.2%), Ekiti (57.9 %), Imo (61.7%) & Oyo (31.1%) (FGM prevalence rates from NDHS 2018), with the aim to strengthen legal & policy development & implementation, improve access to quality health care, protection, legal & social services & educate communities on the need to eliminate FGM.
  • The program has moved into its 4th phase which ‘prioritizes global movement building of allies from national governments, regional authorities, the private sector, civil society organizations, traditional & religious leaders, faith groups & leaders & community actors working towards eliminating the practice, with an emphasis on young people captured’. .Specifically, output 2 of the joint program on movement building will support the strengthening of multi stakeholder accountability mechanisms by creating & strengthening strategic alliances with other programs & initiatives addressing FGM.
  • Within this context, our client initiated the movement for good to end FGM in Nigeria, which was launched in late April 2022, generating high level commitment from government & key traditional & religious leaders as well as active engagement on social media.
  • To establish & sustain the impactful social movement that brings together all segments of society, driven by young people, there is need to develop & implement a robust youth engagement strategy that will ensure adolescent & young people's meaningful inclusion in the scale up of efforts & interventions to end FGM, to advance the strategy of “building & expanding opportunities for girls’ & women’s agency”. It will further advance one of the key priorities under output 2 of the program strategic note on ‘empowering adolescents & young people to participate in their own protection & empowerment’ & strengthen the links to GenU, Yoma, education & social protection sections.
  • This Youth Facilitator will be located in FCT with frequent travels to the 9 focus states & provide oversight to the mobilisation of young people to join the movement at the state levels working with the state level chapters of the National Youth Council of Nigeria (NYCN) & CSO & government Implementing partners. He will supervise the day to day implementation & track enrolment of pledges & ensure the essential link with NYCN, the umbrella group overseeing grassroots groups, community structures & associations (faith based, voluntary, uniformed & social) is maintained.

Role objectives:

  • Provide strategic inputs & implementation of the finalized draft youth mobilisation strategy.
  • Work with youth CSO implementing partners, Ministry of Youth & Sports, National Youth Council of Nigeria to conduct mapping & enrolment of grassroots organisations/ networks based in the 9 focus states.
  • Engage in daily, weekly & monthly tracking of enrolment of pledges to the movement by youth CSO implementing partners, NYCN & identify gaps & make specific recommendations to the CP on ways to scale up.
  • Monitor the relevance & use / dissemination of digital & creative content to promote enrolment into the movement for good to end FGM according to the state targets & make specific recommendations to our client & content creators on useability.
  • Provide inputs to the development of social media messaging & development of creative & innovative content & management to scale up awareness & visibility of the movement for good campaign, in collaboration with key influencers & other relevant actors.
  • Assist the development of toolkits for the orientation of youth volunteers & mobilisers & participate in mobilisation activities.
  • Actively participate in the delivery of orientation sessions, review meetings of the NYCN across the focus states.
  • Work closely with GenU, Yoma, to support social mobilisation efforts.
  • Support the commemoration of international days 16 days of activism to end FGM, international day of zero tolerance.
  • Support field deployment of youth volunteer’s mobiliser groups to communities in the focus states.
  • Submission of monthly, quarterly & final report to our client.

Expected output:

  • Based on the tasks outlined above, a workplan should be submitted to the supervisor for approval 2 weeks after start date with clear monthly deliverables for each month for the duration of the contract.
  • Monthly report of activities & mission reports.
  • Final / end of contract report.

Expected results:

  • Strategic inputs to finalized draft youth strategy & costed work plan.
  • List of youth organisations compiled.
  • Creative contents, pretested & finalised.
  • Tracking & securing 5 million pledges from 9 states (1 million) every month.
  • Inputs provided to tool kits & orientation for youth & mobilisers.
  • Youth & community mobilisers are highly effective & operational & delivering results in engaging with communities to secure pledges & sensitize them on FGM (prevent, respond & refer).
  • Communities in particular young people are empowered & sensitised against the practice of FGM & obtain knowledge & skills denounce the practice.
  • Submit monthly, final / end of contract report to our client.

Project reporting:

  • This role reports to the line manager.

Key competencies:

  • University Degree in International Diplomacy, Political Science or a relevant field.
  • Fluency in English & knowledge of local language of focus state is an asset.
  • At least 3 years’ experience of working in & with youth & social mobilizations, advocacy, communication particularly with youth organizations & community based groups.
  • Demonstrable experience of bringing people, networks, together around common values & campaigns, with a specific focus on youth, gender & development issues.
  • Experience of organizing outreach to diverse people & groups to stimulate engagement & collaboration around common campaigns.
  • Experience of working with NGO’s & in SDGs & development fields are considered as important assets.
  • Working knowledge of or clients goals, approaches & processes is an asset.
  • Current knowledge of development issues, harmful practice such as female genital mutilation & SDGs as well programs in international development.
  • Proven ability to conceptualise, innovate, plan & execute ideas especially targeted at young people.

Team management:

  • This role has no team management responsibility.

Further information:

  • Qualified female candidates are encouraged to apply for this role.

How to apply

from ReliefWeb - Jobs

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